Nd Bhatt Engineering Drawing Ebook Pdf File
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This was the prescribed text book for our Engineering course (Mumbai University) A no frills, straight to the core book, on a cursory glance it looks like a very dry text book. However this is a one of the better test books I have personally read. It takes a bit of effort at first, especially when learning projection of points and lines. However if the student keeps on it, it very soon becomes your bible. Without this book I would never have loved Engineering Drawing the way I do. My favourite se This was the prescribed text book for our Engineering course (Mumbai University) A no frills, straight to the core book, on a cursory glance it looks like a very dry text book. However this is a one of the better test books I have personally read.
It takes a bit of effort at first, especially when learning projection of points and lines. However if the student keeps on it, it very soon becomes your bible. Without this book I would never have loved Engineering Drawing the way I do. My favourite section is drawing as well as in the book has to do with Isometric Projections. I heartily recommend the exercise in this chapter, espectially exercise number 28 on page 403 of this particular edition. Caveat: This review was relevant for when I did Engineering (late 90's) and as a general reference book.